the 3 main classes
Exploration 1 : explore your imagination, your body, your emotions, etc.
Exploration 1 is the basic acting training: through a series of group exercises, you’ll learn how to unleash your emotions, expand your imagination, overcome stage fright, sharpen your focus and heighten your senses… in short, all the skills you need to create compelling performances.
Backstory : live authentically fictionnal circumstances
In Backstory, you’ll tackle head-on scenes in pairs: by building a fictional relationship with your scene partner, you’ll learn how to create an improvisation that will eventually become a precise written scene… while still keeping the natural feel of the initial improvisation! The last term is dedicated to working directly on scenes from plays or screenplays.
Scenes 1 : sculpting silence with your body language and your emotions
Scenes 1 is an in-depth workshop on subtext: through a series of fictional situations, you’ll learn how to create a scene where you are entirely on your own, without text or miming… and yet, the scene must be full of life! This is how you’ll grasp the importance and superiority of body language and emotions over text.
The full Acting 1st Year Program
The full Acting 1st Year Program + the full singing program
The full Acting 1st Year Program + the full 1st year program of scénario, réalisation & direction d’acteurs
individual workshops
Weekly workshops can also be taken individually, depending on your career path and training goals, with the exception of the 3rd year workshops « Programme Composition de Personnage »
EXPLORATION 2 : further exploration of the body, imagination, emotions, etc.
Exploration 2 is an advanced training workshop in acting, focusing on specific themes such as horror, seduction and comedy.
SCenES 2 : the science of acting
Scenes 2 is an exclusive workshop you’ll only find at Method Acting Center and the Herbert Studio in New York. It is also known as “The Science of Acting”. Here, you’ll learn to wield new tools to bring rhythm, variation and an unparalleled precision to your performances – the signature of great actresses and actors.
SCeNES 3 : from the stage to the camera, from the camera to the shooting set
Scenes 3 is all about working on scenes from plays and screenplays, putting into practice all the tools you’ve discovered in the other workshops. It’s also the start of acting in front of the camera. In addition, Scenes 3 is an introduction to personal development, building strength and stamina for your career and future endeavors.
the full acting 2nd year program
the full acting 2nd year program + the full singing program
the full acting 2nd year program + the full 1st year program of scénario, réalisation & direction d’acteurs
individual workshops
Weekly workshops can also be taken individually, depending on your career path and training goals, with the exception of the 3rd year workshops « Programme Composition de Personnage »